Official exmination papers of HSK = 新汉语水平考试真题集 HSK 一级 / 国家汉办著. Level 1 by 国家汉办著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2010Other title: 新汉语水平考试真题集 HSK 一级 .Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.180076 OFE .
新汉语水平考试真题集 HSK 二 级 = Official examination papers of HSK / 孔子学院总部. Level 2 by 孔子学院总部. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教育出版社, 2010Other title: Official examination papers of HSK.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.180076 OFE.
汉语应用文写作教程 = A practical Chinese writing course / 万凯艳 编著. by 万凯艳 编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2013Other title: A practical Chinese writing course .Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (2) Call number: 495.180071 APC, ...
购物口语 = Shopping talk / 主编: 李淑娟. by 李淑娟. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Bei jing : 华语教学出版社, 2007Other title: Shopping talk.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.183421 SHT .
普通汉语教程 = Introductory chinese / 杜厚文编著. by 杜厚文编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2012Other title: Introductory chinese .Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (4) Call number: 495.180071 INC, ...
普通汉语教程 = Introductory chinese / 杜厚文编著. Vol. I by 杜厚文编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2012Other title: Introductory chinese .Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (3) Call number: 495.180071 INC, ...
普通汉语教程 = Introductory chinese / 杜厚文编著. Listening comprehension by 杜厚文编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2012Other title: Introductory chinese .Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.180071 INC.
看图学量词 = Learning Chinese measure words / 焦凡著 ; 刘哲姝插图. by 焦凡著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语敎学出版社, 2011Other title: Learning Chinese measure words.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.182421 LEC.
汉语快速阅读训练教程 = A course on Chinese speed reading / 杨俐编著., 杨俐. 二册. by 杨俐编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Bei jing : 华语教学出版社, 2008Other title: A course on Chinese speed reading.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.182421 ACC.
错别字字典 = CUOBIEZI ZIDIAN / 说词解字辞书研究中心编著. by 说词解字辞书研究中心编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2015Other title: CUOBIEZI ZIDIAN .Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.1810071 CUZ.
多功能成语大词典 = Duo gong neng cheng yu da ci dian / [于明善主编] ; 说词解字辞书研究中心编著. by 于明善主编. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2017Other title: Duo gong neng cheng yu da ci dian.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.6321 DUG.
汉语快速阅读训练教程. 一册 = A course on Chinese speed reading / 杨俐编著., 杨俐, by 杨俐编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 2008Other title: A course on Chinese speed reading.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.183421 ACC.
基础科技汉语教程. 上, 听说课本 = An Elementary course in scientific Chinese / 杜厚文编著., 杜厚文. by 杜厚文编著. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English Original language: Chinese Publication details: Beijing : 华语教学出版社, 201Other title: An Elementary course in scientific Chinese.Availability: Items available for loan: BUC (1) Call number: 495.182421 ANC.